About this site

This site is designed to be primarily image-driven, mobile-first, minimalist, as lightweight and fast as possible, use no server side code, and have zero cost to host. Using the PageSpeed Insights online analysis tool, I fiddled with the code & design until I was able to reliably get speedy scores. The most interesting thing I did during that process was to call different resolution images for mobile vs desktop, and to use a CDN to automatically optimize images and serve them in next generation formats. Here are a few details about how it's wired up.

  1. PageSpeed Insights scores:
    • Index & year pages (image-driven designs): 89 mobile/98 desktop (actual results may vary)
    • About page (text only): 100 mobile/100 desktop (this seems consistent)
  2. Accessibility: WCAG 2.0 AA
  3. Hosting: GitHub Pages
  4. Image CDN: Cloudinary - Media Optimizer
  5. Navigation: Slideout.js

About me

I'm using this site to document my side project, which I've been fiddling with on weekends for the past five years. I have a full time gig of course, which is described here: Me on LinkedIn.